Rice Crisps

Serves About 24 Appetizers

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2 cups Blue Ribbon® White Rice, cooked and cooled
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 cup vegetable oil
Salmon mousse
Cream dip

Cooking Directions

Mix the cooked and cooled rice with enough olive oil to bind the rice together into little balls that can be flattened to form the crisps.

Into a deep frying pan with the vegetable oil heated to a medium temperature, gently drop the rice crisps and fry until golden and crispy – about 3 to 4 minutes per side, or longer if you like them extra crispy. Remove from the oil when done and drain on paper towels.

The rice crisps can then be topped with salmon mousse, hummus, a creamy eggplant dip or other topping of your choice. You can even add red caviar/roe for color and texture or pepper flakes. 
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